Very good presentation and thanks for highlighting a subject that is often ignored because it is uncomfortable. Until we talk about things, nothing changes so well done.
I thought the presentation and information was really good. I wish you werea able to present this live as we had originally planned because there are a few pages that need a little more explanation, mainly because they contain really good data but don't articulate it very well without a presenter. For example, I would love to know your thoughts on the page titled "Over the Years". Those are interesting charts and so are the ones that show the maps of temperatures of the US now and 2036 - 2050. Those are very interesting.
I also thought your slides about what someone can do to change climate change were strong. If I had one suggstion, it would be to not put too much all on one slide. Viewers get easily distracted so keeping the presentation simple, even if it means there are more slides, will help get your message across and help them retain the data. You clearly did a lot of research and splitting it up a little bit more would highlight all that hard work.
Finally, you did a great job connecting the dots to climate change, why it matters and who it hurts. I would love to have heard you talk about your reasons for caring about this subject and was very glad to read your personal comments and points of view. Thank you for sharing those and for sharing your opinions on an important topic that we should all be brave enough to discuss. Well done!