Nice job! You've created a clean series of slides on a topic that is complex, timely, and important topic, and you have a clear understanding of introduction and summary (which I'm going to "borrow" for a lesson that I'm teaching tonight). And I loved the dead cockroach on your Intro page.
You also taught me something I didn't know, which is that the term ingestion applies to skin absorption as well as intake through the mouth.
There were several slides for which I would like to have known your sources, but I couldn't tell from the notations. In future presentations, you might want to consider finding a place on your slides to list a fuller version of the link, so at least the institution's name is visible. Maybe in white text along the bottom?
Pesticide use actually does have some ramifications for the climate, and I'd love to see you investigate those.
I see that Melissa Brice already recommended some ways that you can advocate for reduced pesticide use. You might also visit, an extremely wide-ranging ecological site and comprehensive organization, which you can join for as little as $5. Here's a link to some of their information on the power of regenerative agriculture to reverse climate change:
I hope you've used some of your quarantine time to create your own organic vegetable gardens. I know what you won't be putting in them! :-D