Following major renovations, the entire first floor of the Sulzer Regional Library (4455 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago) is now dedicated to children's services. They have three play spaces for babies-toddlers, toddlers-young children, and older kids. They offer programs for ages 0-5 every day at 10am.
Here are a few upcoming programs:
Chess Club (Grades 3+ / Ages 8+)
4-5 pm, 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month: Dec. 13 & 27, Jan. 10 & 24, & Feb. 14, 4-5 pm
Our chess expert is ready to teach you the basics or help you improve your game. No registration required.
Chicago Student Invention Convention (Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-13)
4-5 pm, Jan. 2, 16 & 30, Feb. 6 & 20
This program takes students through the invention process from brainstorming to presenting a prototype, emphasizing skills such as creative problem-solving, resilience, and communication. Students are encouraged to attend all five sessions if possible and may be invited to attend the city-wide Invention Convention in April.
Tween Book Club (Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-13)
4-5 pm, Dec. 26 & Jan. 23
Please join our popular middle grade book club as we read and discuss a book selected by the group. Stop by the Children's Reference Desk or check the book club shelves by the elevator for the latest title. Please register online at
Tween Service Learning Club (Grades 5-8 / Ages 10-14)
3-4 pm, Dec. 27 & Jan. 24
Service Learning Club participants complete volunteer hours by working on prepared tasks and projects that will vary month to month. If interested in more hours, you can develop a project with a staff member during this time. No registration required.
Tween Writing Club (Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-13)
4-5 pm, Dec. 12, Jan. 9, & Feb. 13
Meet other young writers and hone your skills. No registration required, but space is limited to 10 participants.
Check our their web site for a complete listing of programs for all ages.