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Chicago Gifted Community Center

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Setting Goals Together

December 31, 2024 12:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

As we welcome a new year, let's nurture our children's dreams and aspirations! Involving kids in goal-setting teaches valuable skills, boosts confidence, and fosters a growth mindset. Let's explore age-specific strategies for collaboratively setting New Year’s goals.

Age Group 1: 5-8 Years Old - "Dream Big, Little Ones!"

For our youngest stars:

  • Imagine possibilities: Ask open-ended questions, sparking creativity.
  • Break goals into smaller steps: Make achievements feel within reach.
  • Visualize success: Create vision boards or draw goal-inspired art. See here for ideas on creating vision boards together.


Goal: "I want to ride my bike without training wheels!"

Breakdown: Practice balancing, remove training wheels, ride with support.

Age Group 2: 9-11 Years Old - "Explore Passions"

For curious pre-teens:

  • Discover interests: Encourage exploration of hobbies.
  • Set specific goals: Focus on measurable objectives.
  • Create an action plan: Identify steps to achieve goals.


Goal: "I want to improve reading skills!"

Action Plan:

Read 20 minutes daily.

Finish 2 books/month.

Discuss books with a parent/book club.

Age Group 3: 12-14 Years Old - "Building Habits"

For growing teens:

  • Develop consistent habits: Emphasize routine and effort.
  • Set challenging goals: Encourage stretching beyond comfort zones and help your (pre-)teen foster big-picture thinking skills
  • Track progress: Use journals, spreadsheets, or apps.


Goal: "Practice piano 30 minutes daily."

Habit Tracker: Log daily practice, reward milestones (30-day streak).

Age Group 4: 15-18 Years Old - "Empowering Independence"

For emerging adults:

  • Self-reflection: Encourage self-assessment and goal-setting.
  • Long-term goals: Focus on future aspirations (college, career).
  • Accountability partnerships: Pair with mentors/peers.


Goal: "Attend a top-tier university."

Action Plan:

  • Research colleges.
  • Maintain 3.5 GPA.
  • Prepare standardized tests.

Collaborative Goal-Setting Tips

By involving children in goal-setting, you'll nurture self-awareness, problem-solving abilities, resilience, confidence, and growth mindset. As you help your youngster set goals, remember:

  • Listen with love: Understand aspirations/concerns.
  • Guide gently: Support without dictating goals.
  • Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge progress/achievements.
  • Foster accountability: Regularly review progress.
  • Emphasize self-compassion: Learn from setbacks.

Here’s to a fun, successful, and fulfilling 2025!


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The Chicago Gifted Community Center (CGCC) is a member-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by parents to support the intellectual and emotional growth of gifted children and their families. 

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