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Chicago Gifted Community Center

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Our gifted kids

January 15, 2013 8:33 PM | Anonymous
This weekend tech genius and internet activist Aaron Swartz took his own life. Parents of gifted kids grabbed those kids tightly and wordlessly said that prayer from the soul all frightened parents say over their children. Jen Merrill, our north suburban board member, wrote of Aaron and gifted children this weekend: 

"It’s more than likely you do not know the name Aaron Swartz; before this morning I did not either. But if you are reading this on a feed reader, he is why. Among many other things, he helped create the RSS feed by which you’re reading this. When he was 14.

Yesterday he hanged himself."

You can read the rest of the post at her blog, Laughing at Chaos. 

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The Chicago Gifted Community Center (CGCC) is a member-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by parents to support the intellectual and emotional growth of gifted children and their families. 

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