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Chicago Gifted Community Center

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Physics Slam

  • November 16, 2012
  • 8:00 PM
  • Fermilab, Batavia

Fermilab offers a public lecture series on a wide range of topics presented by experts in their respective fields. Generally 6 to 8 lectures are offered each year ranging from astrophysics and cosmology to cancer. Lectures cost $7.00 and are usually on Friday evenings beginning at 8 p.m. in Ramsey Auditorium. For information, call 630-840-ARTS (630-840-2787) or click here.


Physics Slam


Five physicists; five topics; 12 minutes to impress you as to why THEIR physics research is the coolest.
One champion.


If you've ever wished you could grade your physics teacher the way your teacher graded you, now may be your chance. In Fermilab's first physics slam, five scientists will compete for the audience's approval, each explaining a topic in particle physics in plain English and in only 12 minutes. As slammers, they are at the mercy of the audience, which decides the winner - the evening's slam champion.


Hosted by College of DuPage's Chris Miller, and following the tradition of poetry slams and comedy slams, the physics slam pits physicists against each other as they duke it out to give the clearest, most entertaining presentation on topics such as extra dimensions, weird particle phenomena, new experiments and accelerator technologies - the kinds of things people hear about but don't necessarily grasp. Slammers tackle these topics while steering clear of jargon, and the audience leaves a lot smarter.

About cgcc

The Chicago Gifted Community Center (CGCC) is a member-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by parents to support the intellectual and emotional growth of gifted children and their families. 

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We  are an all volunteer-based organization that relies on annual memberships from parents, professionals, and supporters to provide organizers with web site operations, a registration system, event insurance, background checks, etc. 

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