This class will introduce students to the basic elements of cinema (editing, cinematography, sound, etc.), and will guide them in exploring how these elements inform our understanding of a particular film's messages and themes. Students will also assess how topics such as genre, narrative structure, and setting can help to shape our experinces and understanding of a work.
Students will need to be able to do a google search. Students should be prepared to read up to 20 pages in a week, and then write 1 page (double spaced) based upon what they read. Writing assignments will be loosely structured, intended to encourage critical thought. Strong reading skills and at least basic typing skills are recommended. Students must be willing to come to class and join a group discussion based on the homework and reading assignments. Students should also be willing to seek out and watch films on their own.
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to think critically and apply basic principals of the humanities. Students will learn to critically examine cinema, deconstructing how it presents themes and ideas, form educated opinions on a work, and select and present supporting evidence to support their opinions.
Homework will include regular regular reading/watching assignments, as well as writing assignments not to exceed 2 pages in length. Videos selected for homework will be available on YouTube or other such services.
Class materials: #2 pencils, suitable notebook. The use of a TV and/or computer will also be required.
Students will be expected to discuss their own favorite movies, and may wish to have copies on hand.
Teacher: Gregory Wenger
Age Group: 10+
Minimum/Maximum number of students: 5/12
Materials Fee: $21
Fees will go towards photocopies of class materials, teacher's materials, and the purchase and/or rental of videos for viewing in class.
Minimum/maximum number of students: /
Age range:
Price: $
Class prerequisites:
Supplies required:
Family must register for LOGYC Coop in order to sign up for classes.