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Chicago Gifted Community Center

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CGCC Oak Park Parenting Series: Getting a Hold of Yourself

  • January 17, 2018
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Buzz Cafe, Oak Park
  • 6


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A Roundtable Discussion led by Sheryl Stoller

Getting a Hold of Yourself

whatever your gifted/2e/multiE child is or isn’t doing

Buzz Cafe, 905 S Lombard Oak Park, IL

In the gifted/2E/multiE world, we parents have more “opportunities” for needing to get a hold of ourselves because our children have more intense thoughts and feelings, quicker-reflexive actions as they emote what they’re experiencing, and far more of those moments, every day, than other children and parents. 

Join Sheryl as she gives you a power tool you can use in any situation for getting a hold of yourself, even before you consciously think to take a breath. She will be explaining steps for putting the tool into action, answering your questions, and helping make this the connected safe haven for us often-isolated-parents to melt into not being alone on this journey.

Sheryl is a PCI Certified Parent Coach®, founder of Stoller Parent Coaching, and the parent coach at The Center for Identity Potential. She is a Certified SENG-Model Parent Group Facilitator – Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted, and mother of three intense children affected by asynchronous development, all of whom are now flourishing young adults. Drawing on her professional and personal experience, Sheryl specializes in coaching parents of children with intense behaviors and emotions, many of whom are gifted or twice exceptional. Through their collaboration with Sheryl, parents develop personal customized approaches in key areas such as: de-escalating and preventing reactive anger and worry in both their children and themselves; modeling and guiding their children in effective life skills; and recapturing joy and love on their parenting journey.  She invites you to visit her at her website and her Stoller Parent Coaching FB page, or contact her directly at either or (708) 358-8289.

Come join the discussion. Register today! Registration is free for CGCC members. Non-members pay a non-refundable $5. (Fee waivers are available.)

Won't you consider helping us build a community of gifted families by joining CGCC today? Annual membership is only $25.  Join

We will be meeting in the upstairs meeting room at the Buzz cafe. If you are interested in grabbing food or a beverage, please order these downstairs before heading up.

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The Chicago Gifted Community Center (CGCC) is a member-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by parents to support the intellectual and emotional growth of gifted children and their families. 

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